The new education policy of India 2020.

The new education policy of India 2020.

It is said that if a country has to change then, the education system of the country must be changed first. The Indian government has now decided to take a step over it after 34 years of the long journey.

Such a big upgrade has been never done before in the history of the Indian education system since,1986. NEP(National Education Policy) framed in 1986 is now going to replace by the new education policy 2020. On 29th July the government of India has declared that soon this new change is going to overtake on 34 years old NEP ( National policy Education). 

What’s new in N.E.P 2020?

The new NEP(National Education policy) 2020 has launched on 29th July 2020, early in the afternoon, and approved by cabinet union. The new education policy going to overhaul the old NEP framed in 1986. Under this policy, the following changes going to appear in education.

Schooling starts at the age of 3

Under the new NEP 2020 children can start their primary education career at the age of 3 years.

10+2 curriculum structure has been replaced by a 5+3+3+4 curriculum structure.

According to the new policy of education, the earlier 10+2 curriculum structure has been changed to a 5+3+3+4 curriculum structure. Under this structure, the education of, first five years is the foundation stage that, required to build, strong base for students. The whole curriculum will be based on NCERT. This will include the first three years as pre-primary and one year each for class one and class two means three years for pre-primary and two years for class one and class two. The students of the first five years of this curriculum structure will enjoy study with games and other activities, and a load of heavy books will no longer trouble them.

After this, for the next three years, the students of class three to class five will begin a new journey, in which they will make preparation for the high school, by introducing subjects like science, maths, arts, social science, and humanities.

Now the next three years will be middle level in students will appear from class six to class eight. At this stage, students will be taught lessons under the prescribed syllabus.

And after this, the last four years of this stage begin, from class nine to class twelve. The duration of this stage will be four years, and in this stage, the students will make understand regarding any particular subject, for a better higher education.

Local language as a medium.

Under the old form education policy of India, it is compulsory that students have to continue with a particular language as a medium which school offered to them. Because of that many children were give up their studies. But now under new NEP 2020 students up to class five can continue their studies in their local languages.

Computer coding and internship from class sixth.

The students of class six can now have the opportunity to learn computer coding. This means that now students can learn computer coding and application at a very small age.

And they have the opportunity to internship accordingly at the same age. Students can do an internship with an authorized company according to their choice.

Semester wise exam for class ninth to class twelve

Under the new NEP 2020, exams from class ninth to class twelve will be organized by semester wise. Means there will be two-semester for every year and the exam will be held in the gap every six months respectively.

The final marks of the students will be the average sum of both semesters, every year.

Easy board exams.

According to the new education policy, the board exam will be easy as compared to the earlier one. Here many things will be focused on student’s abilities. Students can give exams in the language suitable for them. Final marks will be based on performance, behavior, extracurricular activities. Other than this mark sheet will be prepared on the basis of 360° assessment. Means students will give marks to themselves, with the subject teacher the other classmates too, can give marks to their classmates.

Removal of barrier system between arts, commerce, and science.

According to the earlier and old form of the education system, there was a stream barrier due to which students of a particular stream can’t choose the subjects from other streams. This means the students of the science stream can’t choose subjects like history, economics, etc.

But with this new form of NEP (National Education Policy) 2020, there is no barrier between such subjects. According to this policy, students can choose subjects according to their interests. Means if a student from commerce stream has an interest in physics then he or she may choose it.

Common aptitude tests

Now under this new education policy students can give common aptitude tests for admission in college. Common aptitude tests mean, if a student’s marks are not enough according to the cutoff marks of a particular university then he or she may give a common aptitude test. After that, the performance of students in a common aptitude test will be added to the marks of 12th board exam.

And in this way, they can take admission to their favorite colleges or universities.

Multi entry and exit facility.

Under this facility of new education policy, students can continue their further studies after a drop out of one, two, or three years.

This means if a student can’t continue his studies due to some personal reasons then he or she does not need to worry about this. Because under this new education policy they can drop or rejoin the college as per their need.

They will get a certificate if they leave college after one year and if the leave after two years then they will get a diploma similarly if they leave after three years they will get deeper, by which the can continue their further studies whenever they want.

The graduation course will be of three to four years, its on students whether they want to complete graduation in three or four years respectively.

Other than this there will be an academic bank of credit, according to this if students wish to do more than one course in the same period of time he or she can continue. As far as the course they complete, their marks will be stored in this academic bank of credit. And when they do a course for a final degree then those marks will be added to the final degree marks. The whole process will be digital.

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